Elbow Open Reduction Internal Fixation

Elbow fracture open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) is a surgical procedure used to treat complex or displaced fractures of the elbow. The goal of this procedure is to realign the fractured bone fragments and stabilize them using internal fixation devices, such as plates, screws, or pins, to promote proper healing and restore function to the elbow joint.

Here are the details of the procedure:

1.     Incision: The surgical team makes an incision over the fractured area to access the broken bones and surrounding structures.

2.     Realignment (Reduction): The orthopedic surgeon carefully realigns the fractured bone fragments to restore the normal anatomy of the elbow joint. This may involve manipulating the bones back into their proper position using specialized instruments.

3.     Internal Fixation: Once the bones are realigned, the surgeon uses internal fixation devices, such as metal plates, screws, or pins, to hold the bone fragments in place and promote stability during the healing process. The specific choice of internal fixation devices depends on the nature of the fracture and the surgeon’s judgment.

4.     Wound Closure: After the bones have been stabilized, the incision is closed with sutures or staples, and a sterile dressing is applied to the surgical site.

5.     Postoperative Care: Following the procedure, the patient will be monitored for any signs of complications and will receive pain management and instructions on postoperative care. Physical therapy and rehabilitation may also be prescribed to help restore strength, range of motion, and function to the elbow joint.

The decision to perform an open reduction and internal fixation for an elbow fracture is based on the specific characteristics of the fracture, including its location, severity, and the patient’s overall health and activity level. As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and benefits, and the patient’s orthopedic surgeon will provide detailed information and guidance based on their individual circumstances.

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